Top Ways to Protect Your Business from Data Breaches




By PAGE Editor

The Internet has become the most dominant platform for communication, commerce, and more. It's so prevalent in daily life that it's hard to imagine how businesses survived before the web. But along with all of these benefits come major risks to your business itself: data breaches. Hackers and cybercriminals are always working on new and innovative ways to better the security of their networks and systems. Check in with the privileged access manager for further details.

The best way to stay protected is by using a variety of solutions that provide complete protection from attacks and vulnerabilities. It isn't enough to simply purchase one product or service; you need a suite of products for maximum effectiveness. Here are the top ways in which you can protect your business from data breaches. A great option is mobility security solutions for your daily business operations. Programs like raid 10 will help in defense against malware.

Up-to-date Software


Sophisticated cyber criminals exploit software vulnerabilities to get into your system. Just like you update your computer's operating system when a new patch comes out, it is also important for businesses to update their commercial software programs on the regular (e.g., WordPress, Joomla, etc.). These patches often include security fixes that keep users protected from hackers that look for these weaknesses in any commercially available product.

Another way to stay protected is by using an up-to-date secure web browser such as Google Chrome. While older browsers are still viable options, they're not 100% safe and can leave users vulnerable. Including only one of these measures is not enough; you need both to be protected from data breaches.

Network Security

Network security is just as important as software updates and browser versions when protecting your business from hackers. It's also one of the most complicated parts of staying secure; there are so many solutions available, it can be hard to choose the best one for your company. One way to make sure you're choosing correctly: identify what type of attacks and vulnerabilities your current system has and which ones you need to protect against in the future (e.g., malware, virus, unauthorized access). 

You need a network security solution that handles all types of threats. To optimize your security posture and streamline response to these threats, diving into What is SOAR? can offer insights into how Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response technologies enhance your cybersecurity strategy.

Since most cybercriminals work by exploiting known vulnerabilities that aren't patched yet, using a network security product is essential in fighting off modern-day threats.

Report Cases of Malware Attacks

When your company is attacked, it's necessary to report the event. The lawyers at Revision Legal explain that it's important to report data breaches to the appropriate governmental entities. If any part of your system is breached, this information will prove invaluable when it comes time to prepare a case or file reports with an attorney or law enforcement agent.

Use Encryption


Encryption uses two mathematically related keys (public and private key) to scramble and unscramble data as it passes through a network connection or is stored on a device such as a mobile phone or laptop. Modern encryption is so secure that most people can't crack it—and they're the best in the business! If you want to increase your online security, encrypting your files and emails should be a top priority.

Login Protection

The only way for cybercriminals to get into your system is if someone tells them the login credentials that are linked to it. Therefore, a top priority when it comes to protecting your company from data breaches is creating strong passwords and using multi-factor authentication whenever possible (e.g., requiring something in addition to just a username and password). Be sure all employees and third parties with access to any part of your network use strong logins and change their passwords often.

Employee Training

One of the most popular ways to protect your business from data breaches is by carrying out mandatory cybersecurity education programs for employees. It's not just about implementing a software product that keeps hackers away; it's also important to provide clear instructions and guidelines on what behaviors are appropriate when handling sensitive information (e.g., passwords, confidential files, etc.).

Employees must be aware of the consequences of mishandling such material and how they can better protect themselves in order to prevent becoming an unwitting accomplice in a cybercrime scheme. A secondary benefit: mandatory employee training often leads to increased productivity and lower levels of stress in the workplace.

Reduce Time To Detect Breaches

One of the biggest problems companies face when it comes to protecting themselves from data breaches is not detecting them quickly and limiting the damage caused by methods such as encryption software and ransomware. The longer you go without knowing about a breach, the more money, and resources you're going to have to spend when it's finally identified. That's why one way to protect your business from cybercriminals is by reducing time-to-detection: the amount of time that elapses between when a security system identifies a vulnerability in your network or device and when this issue gets fixed. 

Although cybersecurity is increasingly becoming a major concern for both large and small businesses, it's not something that should discourage growth and success. With the right tools and education, your business can be well-protected from hackers and other threats. If you increase your security measures today, you'll protect yourself from future attacks targeting vulnerabilities in outdated systems.



