How Long Does Pre-Workout Last?
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When heading to the gym, or training for a sport, you’ll want to perform at your best every time. Some factors can have an impact on your performance, like the quality of sleep you got the night before, and if you’re hydrated and fuelled correctly.
Many athletes and gym-goers use all natural pre workout supplements to give them the boost that they need to help them reach their PBs, but how much do you know about it and how do you find the best for you? All you need to benefit is a bit of knowledge on what to look for and the best shaker bottle so you can take your pre-workout with you on the go. Read on to find out more!
What is pre-workout?
Pre-workout is used as a supplement to boost your energy levels in the gym. It can come in the form of shakes, drinks, and capsules to name a few. They are mostly used just before a workout, to make up for a lack of fuel that you may experience if you haven’t eaten, hydrated, or slept properly. If you’re new to pre-workout, you might be wondering how it differs from having a snack or caffeine hit before heading to the gym – this is all down to the energy that comes with these products, they can provide a quicker and stronger boost than you would find with, for example, a mug of coffee and a protein bar.
You can view protein bars here and choose a high-protein option to help fuel your workout.
Be mindful of your need to know when to take protein shake drinks.
There are a few benefits that come with taking a pre-workout supplement before heading to the gym or training, such as:
Improved performance: One of the main benefits that come with taking pre-workout is that it can improve your overall performance in the gym, helping you to smash through your daily workout, even if you’re not feeling particularly up to the challenge.
Concentration: This is a key part of working out – if you can’t concentrate, your workout will not be as good as you’d hoped. It allows you to stay focused on your exercises and hold form.
Reduces exhaustion: If you’re heading to your workout feeling sluggish, it’s no doubt that pre-workout can give you the boost you need – but it can also keep you going for longer without hitting a state of exhaustion. You can train harder for longer.
May increase strength: There are studies into pre-workout that show you may be able to lift heavier when starting your training with one of these supplements – if you’re looking to hit a PB, taking pre-workout could help you reach your goals.
With the advantages come the disadvantages, and it is essential that you weigh them up before deciding whether pre-workout is for you. Pre-workout contains caffeine which can cause overstimulation – think jitters and struggling to drift off and stay asleep – this can be disruptive so if you need your 8 hours, this may not be the best choice. If you use pre-workout too much, you may become immune to its effects, and it can also cause problems with digestion. It all comes down to finding the right product that suits you and starting small to reduce the risk of experiencing these issues.
How long does it last?
Generally, pre-workout supplements are made to last 30 minutes to 2 hours after you have added to your shake or taken one of the many supplements on the market. You’re going to need to time it correctly because you don’t want to be waiting at the gym for your pre-workout to amp you up. You need to give it time to hit your bloodstream – it won’t be an instant hit, so you should aim to take it in whichever way you prefer around 30 minutes before your workout.
If your pre-workout contains caffeine and you prefer to complete your workouts in the evening, you’ll need to consider that caffeine can continue to work throughout your body for around 3-7 hours – which can be a hindrance when it comes to sleeping! To eradicate this, you can either take half the dose or swap it for an alternative that won’t have this impact on your body.
Is it safe?
It is easy to see why people ask this when it comes to pre-workout supplements as they are designed to affect your body in a way that helps you to work harder for longer, which may seem unnatural. Generally, pre-workout products are safe to take, but it all depends on the ingredients. The way that pre-workout gives you a boost is by supplying and boosting your system with a dose of various stimulants, like caffeine and sugar, alongside a few others. Of course, if you take too much of it, or the pre-workout that you choose is too strong, you may feel some adverse effects which can be scary.
If you choose a pre-workout that is too strong and contains too much in the way of stimulants, you may begin to experience caffeine-related symptoms, like anxiety, and high blood pressure, and it could eventually end up having an impact on your sleeping pattern.
Ingredients to look out for
To keep you on the right track when choosing the best pre-workout to suit your needs, there are a few ingredients that you should look out for when deciding which to take. Products that contain B vitamins like B1, B2, and B12 all help to boost your energy and help to repair the body. NO2-boosters may sound scary, but they help to deliver vitamins around your body more quickly. Another product that you should look for is Taurine. This helps to fight the stress that you put your body through with each hard workout.
You should be wary of products that have high caffeine content. For example, your daily dose should be no more than 400mg – this being the highest amount your body can deal with. If you find a workout that boasts more than this in a scoop, you may find yourself faced with some adverse side effects. Look for ingredients to boost your body, not put it under strain.
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