An Easy Guide To Staying Safe While Driving
By PAGE Editor
There are millions of cars on our road network. Every day, new cars are purchased and more people take to the roads. Whether it’s to get to work, visit family, or take a drive for leisure, the roads are more packed than ever before.
Sadly, with busier roads comes more chances of accidents, and sadly, accidents are all too common. There are, however, plenty of things you can do to try and keep yourself extra safe whilst driving. Read on to find out in this easy guide to staying safe while driving.
Road Accident Statistics
Sadly, there are a huge amount of injuries and fatalities on US roads each year. Approximately 4.4 million people are seriously injured in accidents each year, which is a truly staggering number. When it comes to fatalities, the number stands at around 100 per day, which is another shocking statistic.
Accidents are often caused by lapses in concentration and other factors listed below. Sometimes, it’s busy junctions causing silly driving. Sometimes a lone driver can cause an accident for themselves. Let’s take a look at what you should look out for and how you can stay safe whilst on the roads.
Sideswipe Accidents
One of the most common types of road collisions is sideswipe accidents. When it comes to a sideswipe accident in LA, for example, most of the problems occur at the busiest crossroad junctions. It’s super important to take your time when crossing busy junctions. Simply put: slow down enough, look left and right, then make your move.
The issue is, you cannot always account for what other drivers are going to do. You may take all the time in the world, only to find someone runs a red light and sideswipes your car. All you can do to try and stay safe is to be very alert and full of concentration at junctions and intersections.
Follow At a Distance
This advice relates mostly to driving on freeways and interstate roads - follow at a distance. Too often, you will find cars following the car ahead just a few feet behind. When you consider the fact these vehicles are often traveling upwards of 60 miles per hour, it’s a recipe for disaster.
A great rule to follow is the so-called “two-second rule.” This means that whenever you are following a car, two seconds should pass between them passing a landmark and you following past the same landmark. This gives you ample time to react, brake, or swerve, should you need to.
Stick to Speed Limits
It may sound obvious, but you need to stick to the speed limits on whichever road you are on. They are designed for a reason. A team of specialists has sat down and worked out the safest speed for cars to be traveling without increasing risk. They are designed to protect you and those driving around you. Though many people do not follow speed limits, it doesn’t mean you should join them!
Don’t Drive Tired
One of the simplest rules goes - don’t drive when you’re tired. Obviously, sometimes you’ll need to drive late at night or early in the morning. Just don’t drive when overtired. If you have to make that journey at 2 am, make sure you take breaks. Breaks can help you refresh your mind, your eyes, and therefore your concentration. Driving when tired can reduce reaction times as much as driving under the influence - so avoid it at all costs.
Avoid Alcohol
Speaking of driving under the influence, it’s obvious that driving after drinking is a big no-no. Many people seem to think that a couple of drinks will not affect them while driving, but even the smallest amount of alcohol drastically increases the risks associated with driving. As mentioned, alcohol reduces reaction time. It also affects your concentration, your spatial awareness, and reduces inhibitions making you more likely to make mistakes. Avoid alcohol completely before getting behind the wheel.
Mirror, Signal, Maneuver
Finally, a simple driving technique that many people forget: mirror, signal, then maneuver. It’s quite straightforward - make sure you check where you want to move to first, then indicate, then make the move. This way you not only give yourself time to assess your driving choices, but you also give the other drivers around you time to understand where you are going. This simple instruction can prevent many accidents.
Keeping these tips in mind will help you become a much safer driver and reduce your risks of causing an accident. Of course, you can’t always be sure what every other driver is going to do. But, if you stay alert and drive safely yourself, you’ll improve your chances of getting to your destination in one piece.
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