6 Fun and Exciting Outdoor Activities to Try
By PAGE Editor
As a nation, we spend far too much time indoors. Many people prefer to idle away hours on their mobile phones instead of going out and fly fishing, hiking, or doing any of the other activities that await them outdoors. Studies show that stagnant lifestyles can have a detrimental effect on the health of those that lead them. If you understand the importance of getting outdoors and exercising your mind and body, this post has you covered. This article’s intention is to tell you about six fun and exciting outdoor activities you can try.
Fly Fishing
As mentioned in our introduction, fly fishing is a fantastic way to get outdoors and have fun. The thing that makes fly fishing so entertaining is the fish. There is no feeling like fighting to reel a fish in. Many of the species targeted by fly fishermen, i.e., salmon or trout, fight hard, which makes catching them all the more rewarding. You don’t have to worry about finding viable fishing lakes yourself, however. The experts from Fly Fishing Pyramid Lake make clear that you can visit them and go out on a trip with one of their professional guides. The good thing about going with a guide is that you won’t have to worry about going to bad locations. While you are never guaranteed to catch anything fishing, a guide will be able to take you to hotspots where the fish do regularly bite, which can make your chances of reeling in a fish much more likely.
Hiking is the quintessential American pastime. It’s something people around the nation do, in a variety of different places and ways. There are thousands of different trails for you to follow, whether that’s in your home state or further afield. It is worth noting that if you plan on hiking in a remote area, you should do your research and bring along a trail map. This is so you do not end up getting lost. Also take time to learn about dangerous animals in the area, so you can prevent attacks from occurring.
America has the third most lakes in the world, behind Russia and Canada. The amount of lakes in the United States means it is the ideal place to go kayaking. It is commonplace to find people kayaking on waterways up and down the country. Some lakes are better than others though, so if you are interested in going kayaking, do your research and find the best ones you can ensure that you have a good time. Make sure you also take a safety course if you are new to watersports, so you don’t end up hurting yourself or anyone you are kayaking with.
Surfboarding is another quintessentially American pastime. Most people associate it with places like Malibu, Los Angeles, or Miami. However, surfing is something you can do all around the country. If you are interested in surfing, a course is essential. You need a guide to take you out and show you the basics, otherwise you could hurt yourself. The last thing you want is to get involved in a surfing accident, as they often result in serious injuries. Additionally, ensure you have high-quality equipment to protect you when you are on the water.
Hunting is not for everybody. Some people object to it. If you are averse to the idea of hunting, by all means skip this section. However, one thing that is undeniable is that hunting is the most American of hobbies. It is something that the country is famous for all around the world, largely due to its wildlife population. The rules surrounding hunting are strict, and if you break them, you can get into a lot of trouble. Make sure that you find out what your state’s hunting laws are, so you don’t end up running afoul of them.
Rock climbing isn’t for everybody. However, those that enjoy it often swear by it. There are many forms, from traditional rock climbing to the more dangerous free solo climbing, which involves climbing without protective ropes. It is a good idea to try traditional climbing before you even entertain the idea of free solo climbing. If you are interested in climbing, consider attending an indoor climbing course just to get an idea of what it is like. Going out immediately and trying to climb a mountain is one of the worst things you can do and will likely lead to you injuring yourself.
There are so many different things to do outdoors in the United States that spending your time indoors makes no sense. If you are interested in getting out more and having fun, give the different activities mentioned here some consideration, as you are guaranteed to have a good time with each of them.
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