Useful Accessories That Will Take Your Smoking Experience To The Next Level
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Cannabis is one of the world’s most popular recreational drugs. In many places, it is now legalized. In addition to being a very fun social drug, it also has some pretty interesting medicinal uses. Studies have shown that the plant can reduce the severity of seizures in those with epilepsy, combat anxiety and depression, and even fight cancer.
If you enjoy Cannabis and your preferred method of consumption is smoking, then you might be interested to learn that there are some very useful accessories currently for sale that can improve your experience. This post will tell you about them.
Ash Catchers
Ash catchers are very popular accessories, used by a lot of weed smokers. Their purpose is to keep resin and ash from ending up inside your bong or pipe water. Without dry ash catchers, you could end up inhaling the nasty by-products produced by burning Cannabis. Put more simply, ash catchers are an extra layer of protection, filtering dirt out. Lots of Cannabis users use these handy instruments because they enable them to have a much cleaner smoking experience.
Cannabis also tastes a lot nicer when resin and ash are filtered out. When you smoke Cannabis through a joint, resin and ash are sometimes unavoidable. Resin can stick to your lips, fingers, and tongue, not to mention it tastes disgusting. Ash can make you cough. If you are a pipe or bong smoker, then an ash catcher is essential.
Curing Jars
Curing jars are great for long-term Cannabis storage. A lot of people store their Cannabis in plastic baggies or glass jars, but neither of these is an effective nor safe method of storage. When you store Cannabis for long periods inside glass jars, the interior of the jar can become very humid. Humidity and Cannabis can lead to mold. Cannabis mold can be extremely dangerous if it’s smoked. Plastic bags can lead to your Cannabis drying out and becoming virtually unusable. Curing jars on the other hand will preserve and even enhance your Cannabis’ flavor and intensity.
Electric Grinders
A lot of people use hand grinders to grind their Cannabis up, but there’s no need to do that anymore. Grinding your Cannabis by hand can lead to it being uneven and chunky in places. Grinding by hand can also lead to over-grinding, which can result in Cannabis being too small for the joint and falling out through the roach hole. You can use an electric grinder, instead. An electric grinder will break down your Cannabis evenly into small, easily smokable pieces. Electric grinders need to be plugged into the wall and charged every so often. They do generally have very long battery lives, though.
Vaping has become very popular. People of all ages vape. Most people just vape standard tobacco, because vaping is an effective method of quitting smoking. However, you don’t have to just vape tobacco—you can also vape Cannabis. If you are interested in vaping Cannabis then it is important to note that you won’t just need a vape, you will also need vape pods. Vape pods that contain Cannabis can be expensive, but it is possible to buy them in bulk. Buying them in bulk will help you to save money.
The IQOS is a popular vaping device, designed specifically for heating and vaporizing tobacco. However, it can also be used with Cannabis pods, making it a popular choice among Cannabis users.
Joint Holders
A lot of people carry joints around with them in their pockets. Unfortunately, carrying your joints around with you in your pocket can lead to them being broken or destroyed. If you want to carry joints around with you outside, then the best thing to do is to invest in a joint holder. A joint holder is a handy storage device that you can use to transport your joints around, without them breaking. You can usually store one or two joints in a joint holder at any one time. It is also of course possible to buy much larger joint holders, that are almost like wallets.
Smoking Box
Finally, if you love smoking Cannabis, then why not invest in the ultimate accessory, a smoker’s box? A box will give you somewhere to store all of your paraphernalia. If you are going to buy one then it is a good idea to buy one that’s handcrafted out of wood, so that you can carve it and decorate it yourself. A wooden box will last a lot longer than one that’s made out of metal or glass. While more modern-looking ones might be tempting, a wooden box will last you your entire lifetime.
Cannabis is a popular drug. A lot of people smoke it, especially now that it’s legalized in many countries. If you enjoy smoking it, then why not make each smoke a little easier by investing in the accessories outlined in this post?