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Stag Party Planning 101: From Venue to Activities


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By PAGE Editor

It doesn’t matter whether you are planning to host a stag party for a cousin, or a friend, the truth is that this entire process can really be very exciting, although also a bit stressful because there are lots of things that you need to take care of.

Many people think that planning this event is extremely simple because they only need to worry about the food and drinks, but there's more to it for sure! Even though all of this can sometimes be a bit overwhelming, don't worry, this article has your back!

How come? Well, that’s because it is packed with a bunch of phenomenal tips and tricks that are perfect for the ones who’ve never organized a stag party before and are going to help you sweep all your buddies off their feet and have a blast!

Leave It All Up To The Professionals!

You may think you have it all figured out when it comes to this, but is it really the case? Do you honestly think that as a newbie (to the stag parties), you can handle every aspect of this event? It’s highly unlikely!

That's precisely why, it would be much better if you put your trust in the hands of a professional. This refers to a seasoned stag party company/organizer. Why is this such an amazing idea? If you ask stag party connoisseurs at, they'll tell you that the experience these experts have managed to acquire through the years is simply unmatched. Namely, they are capable of covering every single element of it, starting from the best venue, and most exciting activities that you fellas can have, to many other things that will make this party memorable.

Now, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t able to do so, however, don’t you think that as an experienced stag party thrower, you might make many mistakes along the way? Since that’s likely to happen, it’s better to prevent them from occurring which can only be done if you have someone on your team who has done it before. Better safe than sorry, right?

Who Will Throw It?

Now, if you've given up on the option to join forces with a stag party company, then you should determine who will do this instead. Is it going to be one person only or more of them? If more than one person is involved, then you should assign different tasks to all of them, meaning to figure out who is responsible for what.

Those who are generally great with numbers should focus on the financial aspect of this event, while those who are on the creative side should think of all the activities that can be done at this party.

On the flip side, if you’re planning on doing this all on your own, then maybe it would be wise to ask someone (such as usher) to help you out with certain tasks.

Did You Pick A Date?

This is probably one of the most challenging parts of this whole planning process because you need to opt for a date that's going to suit every attendee. Therefore, it would be wise to set it as soon as possible to reduce the risk of having someone not arriving at this event.

The point is to do it rather sooner than later. One of the best things that you can do is to steer clear of peak dates, such as major holidays, or any other date that clashes with some massive event. 

This refers to widely popular events, like any sports finals, festivals, concerts, bank holidays, and others. If you want to ensure you avoid any of these popular events, then you should do your homework to see when they are going to be hosted.

On the other hand, if you don’t think you’ll be able to avoid them, then at least make sure to book everything as early as you can.

Location & Activities

This is another step that must be carefully planned, because, at the end of the day, you want to select a location that’s going to be suitable for everybody who will come to this party. In these instances, it would be advisable to consider a location that is either common for everybody (like the city where all of you used to hang out) or a spot that’s close to everybody.

When it comes to activities, the options are endless, however, don’t forget to first consult the bachelor, then everyone else.

The pressure is certainly huge when you’re the one who has to plan everything, because, after all, you want everything to be perfect. But don’t worry! If you stick to these tips, we are positively sure all of you will have the best time ever!

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