Innovative Restaurant Booth Designs That Will Wow Your Customers
By PAGE Editor
Innovation is a term that is often closely linked with the world of technology, but that can be a rather myopic interpretation of the phrase all things considered. The truth is, pretty much any type of field that involves technical skill will include innovation to one extent or another. Whether it comes in the form of new materials being used in different ways or upgraded aesthetics that are more in line with modern sensibilities, the importance of staying up to date with recent changes is hard to deny.
Now, how does this factor into the world of restaurants? Well, for starters it can impact the decisions you make about how your furniture is going to look. Chances are that you are planning to purchase several booths that can seat your customers privately and comfortably, but have you ever stopped to think about the design elements that these booths will have to offer?
Standard-issue restaurant booths can be perfectly adequate if you are trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, but we have a feeling that you have bigger ambitions in life. You want to cater to customers that are a part of the upper crust, customers that can take your business to new heights and help you to develop professional networks that can sustain exponential growth both in terms of your business as well as your personal life.
This is where innovative booth design can really come in handy. The thing that you should be aiming for is adding a bit of a wow factor, and there is no end to the options that you would have in that regard. Ranging from modernistic design templates to more traditional aesthetics that will conform to ancient sensibilities, the world is your oyster as far as the design of your booths is concerned.
Let’s start off with modern designs since they tend to be the platonic ideal for a majority of aspiring and newbie restaurateurs. First things first, what exactly constitutes a modern design? There’s a lot to cover here, but we can begin by addressing the distinctive lack of curves.
Rather than using curvy edges that will blend into each other, a modern booth for restaurants will use far sharper lines. This will give them an unmistakable appeal that will contrast beautifully with the softer lighting that you are using to illuminate your eatery.
Another focus of the modern design is an emphasis on using materials that are by-products of modernity. Glass and metal are standout materials from that point of view. Both of them were the result of industrial capacity increasing in the 19th century, or rather they became more accessible and economically viable in the aftermath of the industrial revolution
Hence, it is no surprise that innovative restaurant booths tend to lean heavily on these materials, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t branch out a little bit. Wooden booths are great because they can fit any vibe that you have in mind, be it modern or traditional.
In case you want to keep things contemporary, it’s best to go for lighter wood tones. They can reflect sunlight beautifully, and a smoother grain will do a lot to drive the point home. Material is actually less relevant here than the presence of sharp edges and straight lines. Wood can be crafted into virtually any shape, which is just one of the many reasons why it is a go to for booth manufacturers around the world.
However, many restaurateurs detest the modern, and they would much prefer to pay tribute to the aesthetics of their ancestors. This can actually be highly useful for eateries, since customers would be willing to tolerate a premium rate for meals if they feel like they can be a part of a classical aesthetic.
Darker wood tones can work swimmingly here. The deep brown of the wood will be the perfect addition that would accentuate other design elements rather than take any attention away from them.
Booths that fit the traditional vibe are also generally more ornate. Remember, complex designs used to be a sign of good taste not all that long ago. It was only very recently that straight edges became a fad, and that was mostly because manufacturing capabilities were finally able to develop evenness and flatness that had previously been out of reach.
Moving on, we would be remiss if we discussed designs without referring to colors to some extent. One trend that we have noticed is that a lot of successful new restaurants are bucking the muted hues that were prevalent in the 2000s and 2010s.
Instead, they seem to be embracing a boldness of color that can create a visual sensation which would draw you customers in and keep them firmly seated for a really long time. Pastel colors in particular can work wonders here. They are a somewhat odd choice if your sensibilities are still old fashioned, but many stylistic experts have noted that they might very well be the design standards of the future.
Of course, you can also eschew standard designs entirely in favor of something a bit more avant garde. There are plenty of booth designs out there that have funky shapes that might not be practical from a space saving point of view but will nonetheless leave your customers breathtaken at your boundless creativity.
Whatever you do, don’t take this decision lightly. You would only be hurting yourself if you do so. Booth design variety has come about because there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Quite on the contrary, variety is the spice of life, and you would do well to remember that while selecting furnishings for your dining establishment.