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How to Use Shilajit for Optimal Wellness


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By PAGE Editor

For thousands of years, holistic medical systems across the world have utilized the various natural substances around us to promote and support well-being. One such substance is Shilajit, a natural, potent, and ancient substance known for its rich store of minerals and health benefits. Due to its unique organic and mineral composition, this black resinous substance has been identified as a powerful supplement for overall wellness. Here, let's delve into the world of Shilajit and how you can incorporate it into your health regime to achieve optimal wellness.

What is Shilajit?

Shilajit is a black tar-like substance, often found in the high mountain ranges of the Himalayas, Altai and Caucasus. It’s formed over centuries through the slow decomposition of plants and is rich in fulvic acid, humic acid, trace minerals, and other organic compounds. This complex composition is what gives Shilajit its wide range of health benefits.

Health Benefits of Shilajit

Shilajit is known to improve both physical and mental health. It provides energy and revitalises the body, enhancing physical performance and endurance. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which help in fighting off disease-carrying cells. Shilajit also aides brain function, supporting mental clarity and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

How to Use Shilajit

Shilajit is usually consumed orally. It's commonly available in resin form, powder form, or encapsulated. Each type of preparation has its advantages.

Shilajit Resin

Shilajit resin is the most natural form of Shilajit. To consume it, you can simply dissolve a small portion (about the size of a grain of rice) in warm, non-chlorinated water, tea or milk and drink it.

Shilajit Powder

Shilajit powder can be mixed with water or milk and drunk as a beverage. The recommended dosage is generally 100-150mg per day. Always remember to start with a smaller dosage and gradually increase it once your body gets accustomed to Shilajit.

Shilajit Capsules

Shilajit capsules provide a convenient form for taking this powerful supplement. Simply take a capsule with water, following the dosage instructions on the packet.


Whether it's boosting immunity, enhancing cognitive function, increasing energy, or improving overall wellness, Shilajit's potential benefits are far-reaching. Like any supplement, it's always essential to use it responsibly and listen to your body's responses. With its rich history of use spanning several centuries, integrating Shilajit into your wellness regimen could well be a step towards a healthier, more balanced living.


The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.

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