Deadlines Won't Be A Problem Anymore
By PAGE Editor
All students strive to stay on top of their schedules. Of course, keeping up with all the deadlines, assignments, and exam revisions can become a challenge. However, good organization and time management skills should help young people efficiently deal with their deadlines. After all, deadline management is just another skill students should learn while in college. Such knowledge will help them greatly in the future. Besides, students should also be able to enjoy their free time as they prefer. To do so, one needs to ensure absolute control of their time and productivity. So, let’s see a few tips on how to never view deadlines as a problem again. Here’s how to effectively manage all your homework.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle
You may think, “What does a healthy lifestyle have anything to do with my deadline issues?” Well, it has everything to do with it. The thing is, your lifestyle has a direct impact on how you feel, how energetic you are, how well you sleep, etc. So, a healthy student has a much higher chance of keeping up with all their to-do lists and more. They simply have more energy and strength to handle their chores.
Yet, students tend to ignore their basic needs for time efficiency. They pull all-nighters, suffer from sleep difficulties, eat on the go, consume too many caffeinated beverages, etc. Such habits don’t help young people succeed. Instead, they rather contribute to burnout, mood swings, lack of focus, and depression. All these factors don’t help you study better but become serious obstacles on the way. To stay healthy, one needs to exercise, maintain a balanced diet, and have a good night’s sleep.
Set clear priorities
Good time management is impossible without knowing how to set priorities. It seems a rather obvious tactic, yet, many students ignore such a need. For instance, students often postpone their most difficult, complex, or time-consuming projects. They don't even do it intentionally. Most of the time, such projects simply look too intimidating to start, so students don’t do them until absolutely necessary.
Instead, a large project with a tight deadline should become the first priority on the list. Otherwise, students run out of time in making the assignment, which affects its quality and students’ confidence. To do things right, you should evaluate how much time each assignment should take and plan accordingly. Thus, most time-consuming projects and shortest deadlines should receive special priority statuses.
Create a daily routine
A healthy routine will help you stay organized and in control of your time. Fortunately, many online tools, like time management apps, can help you start. Here, you can plan your day to your needs and liking, including school timetable, work hours, waking up and going to bed hours, etc.
A proper schedule should also consider your most active hours. It is when you feel most energized and present. These should be your studying hours. In addition, a routine should help you feel more in control of your time and get you in the right mood for each activity.
Such routines should also include all your needs, priorities, and activities. Thus, you should leave room for socializing, entertainment, hobbies, cooking, etc. At the same time, a routine shouldn’t be too rigid. You will feel less restricted and more prepared for emergencies by allowing a fair share of flexibility.
Engage in all-year revisions
Another common mistake most students make is studying only before the exams. Of course, such an approach will lead to excessive pressure and time issues. Students can’t fit the entire semester program into just several delays. Revising these extensive study materials in such a short period will lead to gaps in knowledge, stress, and necessary sacrifices in revision quality.
Instead, young people should make a revision plan to stretch it throughout the school semester. Dedicating several hours per week to exam revision and reviewing old materials will reduce the time pressure before exams and help students focus on the most complex projects.
Cope with procrastination and distractions
Procrastination plays the biggest role in students’ falling behind in studying. Distractions when studying should take second place on such a list. Overall, students often suffer with focus and concentration before and during work. So, it takes some skills and mindfulness to avoid these errors in the future.
For one, a student should determine their biggest causes for procrastination. We don’t just delay work. We always have hidden motives for doing so, such as fear of failure, unreadiness to handle serious tasks, lack of energy or motivation, etc. So, finding what stops you from doing the job will help you tackle it with more confidence.
Secondly, a student should avoid any common distractions when studying. Hence, they need to mute phone notifications, block unhelpful sites and apps, etc. In addition, students should create an efficient workspace where they can focus on learning distraction-free.
Learn to be productive instead of busy
A proper routine will teach you how to stay productive without feeling busy and exhausted all of the time. In fact, there is a common misconception about living a busy life. People assume it means having a lot of work and plans. However, in reality, a well-organized person should not feel like they are always busy and lack time for anything. You should feel in control of your life even when handling a dozen things at once.
It is healthy to step back and analyze how you are doing so far. Analyze your recent routine and how it has contributed to the overall progress. See where you may experience the weakest points so far. Find areas for improvement. For instance, you may be slagging in your routine at certain hours and days. Think about why that is and how you can correct such patterns.
Overall, it is helpful to stay mindful and aware of your weaknesses and strengths. You can’t just create one routine and expect it to work all through college. Your priorities may shift, your energy levels vary, your needs change, etc. Hence, at some point, you will have to introduce adjustments.
Take days off
Efficient, productive learning is only possible with fun breaks. Students should learn their limits and know when to stop and rest. Taking breaks is essential for keeping your motivation and energy high. So, it is okay to think, “I will pay to do my homework tomorrow and go hiking instead.” Students should always take breaks when they feel like they need them. It creates a healthy balance of rest and productivity, prevents burnout, and helps you cope with anxiety.