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Cast Club [Podcast]: Everlane Founder Michael Preysman Delves Into Becoming Transparent in Fashion

Photo by Business Of Fashion

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As an introduction to 2020

Cast Club is a podcast club for those who yearn for the keys to successfully navigating fashion in today’s society. We offer great podcasts and youtube videos that entertain and enlighten your sense of style and consumer habits while discovering which brands are ethical and who’s behind it.

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Wall Street Journal

Michael Preysman founded the Everlane brand. A brand that is transparent in its process and one leading the way for sustainability amongst brands and ethical practices. holding factories accountable. Things like removing all virgin plastic from production are at the tip of his tongue.

Take a listen to one of my favorite podcast series called Drive, presented by Business Of Fashion.

This episode offers a deep conversation with the Everlane founder and BOF moderator as they journey through the brand's ethos and aesthetic, tracing back to Preysman’s finance background.

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