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Can We Wait For Cultured Meat? A Guide For Adapting In Quarantine

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by Kulture Hub

The inconveniences that have come from COVID 19 and the resulting quarantine are more than obvious by now. No matter your standing in life, there is no doubt that all of our lives have been impacted in some form, whether seriously or mildly.

Either way, with such a brazen change of pace, comes a series of obstacles that otherwise wouldn't exist. Here, we have for you a guide to deal with these inconveniences, and how I've gotten around them.

Hopefully, you will leave feeling a little more optimistic about things.

Dealing with the "meat" shortages

With production on hold at most meatpacking plants around the country, the results are higher prices and less product on hand. Wendy's has even pulled burgers off their menu in certain locations. Who doesn't love a good chicken club or bacon cheeseburger?

But the burgerless menu might be the start of a new normal. Perhaps, one that is meatless? Or maybe one that is better for the environment. The latest option seems to be cultured meat. Still, can we wait for 25 years?

A shift in diet is never an easy thing, though it does get easier. Lately, I've been eating vegetarian and have been happy doing so. There are several options and apparently everyone is buying up plant-based meats.

Besides, protein is always available. Muscle heads hold on to your peanut jars.  Just give it a go, fam, there are still plenty of good eats that are meat-free!

Waiting to open that package

With online orders through the roof, package delivery may take longer than usual. If there's something you need urgently, best pay the expedited shipping. It'll get there when it gets there.

Last week, I ordered a set of towels to my new apartment, only to find they still haven't arrived. To get around this, you can always air dry. Many of us are not used to letting nature do the job, but feel those golden rays on your back and you may reconsider! That or don't shower. I haven't.

Missing the joys of  good customer service

Issues in companies are not always so smoothly resolved. Customer service exists as a go-between from consumer to producer. As of late, phone lines for assistance across the board are ringing off the hook. You could grow a beard waiting on the phone before you'll reach someone.

Food takes a little longer to get there and spazzing over the phone won't do anyone justice. Your Xbox just showed the ring of fire and your Apple product has stopped working. We're all in it, trust.

To circumvent this, learning how to do things yourself is a great use of your time, and will save you hours of stress on the phone or "live web chat assistance."

Teach yourself how to make the vegan enchiladas you love so much and keep ordering. Maybe, put the Xbox down and get nice at PC gaming. Maybe its time to get that Android you've been coveting so much. Now is a fantastic time to sharpen your skill set. 

Keeping the fresh-cut

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One complaint I've heard since the start of quarantine was the closure of barbershops and salons due to health risks. Some have even taken to the street, offering up cuts to passers-by!

Some do not care for the grow-out, but there is more than one way up the mountain.

I've not had a haircut in well over a year, so this development only meant I'd stay au natural. For those of you who don't want more hair than you know what to do with, the self-cut could be your way. Just be sure to have a mirror for the back of your head.

Things could get messy.

Celebrities lately have cut their own hair, to mixed results. Since we're not going out much, there's no need to worry about a bad job. It's just hair, so it will grow back!

Stunting is now America's past -time

Who doesn't love walking out of the house feeling like a badass in their new pair of sneakers or a fresh new jacket? We all miss being able to stunt on everyone and be noticed on days we're dressed especially well.

You may be inside, but you don't have to sacrifice style. As I said earlier, online sales are through the roof! People seem to be stocking up for their return to the world, and they should keep that positivity.

Even if our return to normalcy is delayed a bit longer than anticipated, you can always post online in your swag. With more and more people being online during this time, someone may dig your style and you may dig theirs. Go forth and stay drippy, my friends.

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