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Can CBD Boost Your Sex Life?


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By PAGE Editor

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is now everywhere, and more and more people have started including it in their day-to-day wellness routine. From keeping your skin healthy to enhancing your sleep quality, companies market it as a miraculous product for maintaining balance in today’s fast-paced, hectic, and stressful life. 

But did you know that it can bring some spice back to your mundane sexual life? Yep, many users now report that regular CBD use has brought drastic positive changes in their sexual lives. 

So whether you are suffering from low libido or performance anxiety, popping some 25 mg CBD gummies before the act might be just what you need to have a fun and enjoyable session. Today, we’ll look into the science behind these claims and help you understand how CBD can make your sexual life better. 

What Exactly Is CBD?

In simple words, CBD is a natural plant compound that is found in Cannabis sativa plants. It’s part of a larger plant compound group commonly known as cannabinoids. There are more than 100 cannabinoids in cannabis plants, but CBD is the most widely consumed and researched one. 

Studies have shown that it can have a positive impact on the human body when consumed regularly. It has many neuroprotective, anti-oxidative, pain-relieving, and nerve-calming effects. 

That's why many people now use it to stay calm, stress-free, and more in control of their bodies. It’s also known for having a positive impact on mood and anxiety levels. 

Unlike certain cannabinoids, CBD is completely intoxicating, so there’s no risk of getting high or dizzy after consuming it. Plus, CBD products are made from completely natural ingredients and don’t have any severe effects, even at higher doses. 

Does CBD Improve Libido? 

It’s very common for both men and women to experience lower libido as they grow up. There are many natural and environmental factors behind it, but ultimately, it puts quite some stress on relationships. 

Lower libido leads to an unsatisfactory sexual life, especially when one partner has more of it than the other. Factors including ongoing medications, lack of exercise, unhealthy eating habits, smoking, drinking, aging, stress, anxiety, pregnancy, chronic illness, and more can severely cause a major drop in libido. 

Some studies have noted that CBD is capable of reducing performance anxiety and stress, which can boost libido levels. Still, there’s not much data on it yet, and the narrative of CBD enhancing libido is mostly based on anecdotal reports from people who have used it to improve their sexual lives. 

How Exactly Does CBD Work To Improve Sex Life?

See, most cases of bad sex life usually stem from some underlying physical and mental conditions. Let’s see how CBD targets them to bring a boost to our sex life : 

By Reducing Pain

Sex is not easy for some to enjoy; many women suffer from painful conditions like dyspareunia. It’s a condition that causes vaginal pain for women when indulging in sex. 

Similarly, other chronic pain conditions can make it difficult to enjoy sex for both men and women. CBD is analgesic in nature, which makes it a natural pain reliever, making it perfect for people who can’t enjoy sex due to underlying pain. 

CBD also helps you relax and calm your nerves, which can make sex more easy and enjoyable for many. 

May Help You To Orgasm 

Lack of sensation, distraction, racy, and anxious thoughts can make it difficult for people to experience orgasm. Some studies show that cannabinoids can have a positive effect on female sexual functions. 

CBD use can result in better sensations and blood flow to sexual organs, which in turn may make sex more pleasurable for both partners and lead to peak orgasms. 

Reduce Stress And Improve Mood 

Stress is one of the major buzzkill in bed. As per scientific studies, increased cortisol levels can severely affect your sex drive.

First off, CBD can improve your mood by making you feel more relaxed and less tense. Next, it’s known for actively bringing down cortisol levels through its action on both cannabinoid and non-cannabinoid receptors in our body. 

Stable Hormonal Levels

CBD directly affects our body’s endocannabinoid system, which is essential for creating a state of balance in our body, also known as homeostasis. It usually involves the balanced release of certain hormones, which control our sleep, anxiety, pain, and stress levels. 

CBD usage makes this system more efficient, hence effectively resulting in a more stable state of mind, which is directly related to a good sexual life.

May Help with Erectile Dysfunction 

Erectile dysfunction affects around 30 million men in America. It’s a serious issue that can make it difficult for men to perform in bed. 

It’s believed that it can help with this condition by improving the blood flow by relaxing the blood vessels, which could result in better and longer-lasting erections.

What’s CBD For Improving Sex Life?

The best CBD for improving your sex life depends on your personal needs and the onset time you are looking for. In terms of effects, all products will have similar effects, as the common component is the same. 

If you are looking for a quickie, then CBD tinctures are perfect for you. They hardly take 10 to 15 minutes to work their relaxing charm on your body. But if you are looking to spice things up after a date night and have a few hours in between, then edibles like full-spectrum gummies might be a better option.

They work slowly over time and take an hour or two to make you feel relaxed and in the zone. These days, you can also easily buy CBD-infused lubes to further enhance sensation and pleasure.

Whichever product you opt for, just make sure that it’s from trusted and reputed brands. Also, try to start with a low dose and observe the effects for a few days until you find your perfect dose.

The End Note

To sum it up, yes, CBD can boost your sexual life. It can help you perform better in bed and improve your confidence by curbing your performance anxiety, stress, and tiredness. Its mood-enhancing properties and increased blood flow to the groin area can result in better sensation and overall pressure.

CBD has pain-relieving properties, which can make sex comfortable for women who suffer from genital pain during and after making love. You can try a variety of products, like CBD chocolates, gummies, or tinctures, depending on the intensity and onset times of the effects you are looking for.

CBD can result in better libido through its effect on the endocannabinoid system in our body. Well, that’s all for now. Don’t forget to check lab test reports and try to go with trusted brands like Colorado Botanicals.

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