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8 Most Common Disappointments On A First Date And How To Avoid Them


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By PAGE Editor

A first date is like a new beginning, an exciting chapter that can change your whole life. On a first date, the most important thing is to be yourself. Don't try to act differently or fake anything; it usually leads to failure. Take things one step at a time, engage in nice conversation, and try to keep it really simple and enjoyable for both of you.

Sometimes, First Dates Can Be A Total Disaster

First dates are often a set-up for disappointment. However, you can easily avoid a bad date by following a few simple steps. It takes time to really get to know someone. Taking things one step at a time, being fully engaged in conversations, and showing genuine interest in your date can really change the way your partner perceives you.

7 Most Common First Date Disappointments And How To Manage Them

Sometimes first dates can be a real challenge for everyone. Relax and try to be as calm as possible. Focus on these 7 common mistakes and learn how to avoid them:

  1. Lack Of Enthusiasm

You can tell right away if the other person isn't really excited about being in the same room with you. If you have decided to go on a first date, be respectful and show interest, even if your expectations have been dashed.

  1. Lack Of Communication

Silence and weird conversations can make a first date really uncomfortable. Prepare some topics and questions in advance, show interest in your date’s life, and listen actively while displaying interest.

  1. Bad Manners

Poor manners can be a big turn-off for anyone. Always be polite and friendly. Good manners and consideration are key to building a healthy, strong relationship. Never underestimate the power of respect.

  1. Technology

On a first date, try to be fully engaged in the conversation. Constantly checking your phone or texting can be distracting and show a lack of respect. Put your phone away for a while and give your full attention to your date.

  1. Intimacy

Approaching the topic of intimacy and sexy things on the first date is definitely tricky. There is no way to tell if a person you’re meeting has more reserved ideas of sexuality or if they’re going to explain their whole arsenal of male sex toys at you - unless you ask, of course. But talking directly about sex on the first date is not for the faint of heart and can definitely be a turn-off for people who are a little bit on the shy side, thus resulting in another disappointment. 

You can casually talk about a funny altercation you had with, let’s say, a cock ring - the most inconspicuous of sex toys for men - and notice how your date reacts. If there is negative emotion, you will be able to spot it immediately. If they laugh or start talking about their favorite masturbator anecdote - you will know you are on the same page. If, however, you are the one who prefers not to be upfront about sexual matters, tell your date about it. 

  1. Extreme Nervousness

High levels of stress can make a conversation awkward and tense. Relax and approach your date with a positive attitude. If you're feeling anxious, take deep breaths, and don't let negative thoughts overwhelm you - if you are suffering from anxiety, you can even bring a fidget item with you. And most definitely talk to your date, and let them know that you are nervous and excited, too.

  1. High Expectations

On a first date, you can usually tell if there is a connection right away. Sometimes it is better to lower your expectations because you never know what the other person is really like and how they feel about you. Give time and nurture to a connection if there is one, don’t grill them on difficult topics, and don’t expect them to be everything you dreamed of - because if they appear to be that from the first glance, the truth is usually vastly different. 

  1. Inappropriate Questions

On first dates, it is best to keep the conversation as simple as possible. Avoid overwhelming topics like politics and religion and inappropriate questions, which can lead to confusion and misunderstandings. Instead, get to know each other and learn about each other's lifestyles and hobbies. 

Put Dissapointemnts Aside And Leave Space For Hope

Sometimes first dates can be challenging and tricky. By being aware of issues like mismatched expectations or poor communication, you can take safe steps to avoid these little confusions. 

The key is to keep an open mind and make an effort to connect with your date. Offer them an open space to be themselves and hope they will do the same in return - because if they do, they might just be the one.

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