5 Ways How CBD Helps Treat High Blood Pressure
PAGE Magazine
Medical professionals refer to high blood pressure as the silent killer for a good reason. When your body is in such an unbalanced state, your blood vessels and heart are under tremendous pressure. Damage to these areas is possible as they become weaker, leading to heart failure, heart attacks, kidney disease, stroke, and arterial disease.
Managing your high blood pressure is critical if you hope to lower certain health risks. Medication can lower your blood pressure, but if you wish to do this more naturally, then it's best to change your diet and lifestyle to healthier versions and opt for a cannabinoid to turn things around in a more natural way.
What is CBD?
CBD is a cannabinoid found in the Cannabis Sativa plant species. This cannabinoid is one of many, but what makes it extraordinary is its lack of psychoactive intoxicating properties. While other cannabinoids, such as THC, can cause users to become high, CBD delivers various benefits without forcing users to lose their inhibitions.
Hemp-derived CBD has less than 0.3 percent THC, so you can enjoy this cannabinoid without the risk of becoming high, paranoid, or overdosing from it. Researchers have merely scratched the surface in analyzing CBD's potential benefits. However, early data shows encouraging results regarding this cannabinoid's potential to help users with various chronic and mental health issues, including Alzheimer's disease, the onset of cancer, skin conditions, infertility, and more.
These potential benefits have propelled the CBD industry and incited high-quality brands such as weed strains in Canada to come out with a range of CBD-infused products, from oil tinctures to skincare products, vape liquids, balms, capsules, and more.
Five ways how CBD can lower high blood pressure
CBD can be life-changing to our health by lowering high blood pressure. The following are five ways how this cannabinoid can help do so naturally.
CBD can naturally lower high blood pressure
In a recent study, researchers learned the effects of cannabidiol on healthy volunteers. They observed how a single dose of CBD could low blood pressure. The study involved nine healthy volunteers, all of whom were men. Researchers administered 600mg of CBD in a controlled environment where the men could be monitored.
CBD can combat the bad fat in the body
When the body has more fat than necessary, the pressure falls on the vascular system, which experiences greater resistance because of the fatty cells creating a block. This leads to the heart having to work harder to pump blood, and as the intensity grows, so does the blood pressure.
Avoiding unhealthy fat is key to giving the heart a break. But when your body is already overwhelmed with bad fat, you need exercise to burn the excess weight. CBD can help too. In a remarkable study, researchers noted this cannabinoid's potential to turn bad fat into good fat so the body can burn it more efficiently.
CBD as an antidote to antidepressants
Sometimes, antidepressants are the only way out for someone going through depression. Although antidepressants can change a person's life significantly, they come with a list of side effects that can be detrimental in other ways. One way some antidepressants are disadvantageous is that they can increase blood pressure.
CBD can work as an antidepressant. Studies show the potential this cannabinoid has to lower depression symptoms and work as an anti-stress tool. Moreover, this cannabinoid does not seem to cause any harmful side effects, and it works faster than traditional antidepressants.
CBD as an anti-anxiety tool
Often a predecessor of depression, anxiety can also cause high blood pressure in people. When you are constantly overwhelmed with fear and worries, stress and anxiety can culminate into far-worse conditions, including moments of panic attacks and bouts of depression.
CBD can combat anxiety in two unique ways. Researchers have observed this cannabinoid's ability to trigger the body to release more serotonin. The latter is a natural mood stabilizer that infuses us with well-being feelings. When the body has an adequate level of serotonin, we experience fewer anxiety symptoms. CBD can manage GABA levels in the brain region as well. A good GABA level is critical for us to confront challenging situations with a calmer inner state.
CBD to manage pain
Pain can cause high blood pressure because of the electrical pain signals it sends out to the brain region. If the pain is chronic, that can lead to devastating health issues. Luckily, CBD is effective in treating chronic pain and the temporary kind. Researchers note how this cannabinoid can provide relief to people suffering from pain caused by chronic disorders such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis.
Although CBD is a natural compound, it's essential to consult a medical professional to address your condition. If your doctor has given you medication to manage your health, it's best to get advice on whether you can stop the pill to try CBD or if it's better to take the two simultaneously.